Created for Blessing

   Count your many blessings.  See what God has done.  Remember that song?  Is your list looking a little short today?  Perhaps you have difficult children, a difficult spouse, and/or difficult circumstances at work.  We all have days when we’re unable to see the blessings for the barrage of frustrations in our lives.

According to Genesis 1, God created and then He blessed His creation.  And He’s still blessing.  We could never count His blessings; they are far too many.  But it is good to consider them, especially when we’re not feeling very blessed.

The same Hebrew word in Genesis for bless is used in Psalm 103 for praise.  We bless God when we praise Him.  What an awesome honor.  The Bible says if we don’t praise God, the rocks will cry out.  Why would we relinquish such a privilege to a pile of rocks?

What if we’ve had a rotten day and we don’t feel like praising God?  That’s when we draw upon our faith to praise Him.  Tough times call for tenacious faith.

Years ago, when we were living in Philadelphia, I drove to Toms River, New Jersey to speak at a Christian Women’s Club.  That afternoon, I talked about giving thanks by faith, regardless of our circumstances.  When I started my drive home, it began to snow.  We didn’t have snow tires at the time and besides, I’d grown up in the south.  It couldn’t be that bad, could it?

The snow pounded the windshield and I could hardly see.  Cars were slipping and sliding and I was just shy of panic.  The man on the radio said, “Blizzard conditions.  Don’t go out tonight if you don’t have to.”  Well, I thought, that’s helpful.  Or not.

A still, small voice spoke to my racing heart.  “What were you telling all those women?  Why don’t you apply it right now?”

“Okay, God,” I answered reluctantly.  “I don’t like this situation.  I would not have ordered it for my life today, and I don’t feel thankful at all.  But you’ve told me in I Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks in everything.  And you’ve promised in Romans 8:28 to work everything in my life for good.  Therefore, I’m going to thank you by faith and trust you to get me home safely.”

I continued to creep my way toward home.  Although I knew in my head God would take care of me, I had no emotional peace.  I changed the radio to a Christian station.  Someone was singing, “He won’t give you more than you can bear.  He’ll stake your name to someone in prayer.”

That moment, I knew my family was praying for me.  For the rest of the trip, I experienced a peace that truly did escape all understanding.  I almost enjoyed driving through all that snow.  When I arrived home and told Jay and the girls my story, I discovered they had been praying for me at the dinner table at precisely the same time I heard the song.

My husband says Christians don’t have problems.  We have opportunities to trust God.  Today, you may have lots of opportunities.  Use them to praise God and you will be blessed, and so will He.  Just think!  No more problems, just opportunities to bless and be blessed.   Calls for a round of praise, doesn’t it?  Go ahead; celebrate, have a party.  You’ll feel better.  I promise.  Better yet, God promises.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul;

And all that is within me, bless His holy name.

Bless the Lord, O my soul,

And forget none of His benefits.”    Psalm 103:1-2 NAS

P.S.  If this page came up first, be sure and check out my home page. This is a really big learning curve for me. Let’s get together again next week.  If you’d like to reserve a seat at the table, do so by signing up in the email subscription box at the upper right. Until then, bon appetite!

27 Responses to “Created for Blessing”
  1. Millie says:

    When I count MY blessings, my family has to top the list! To be brought up by parents who taught us that there’s no such thing as a problem but only opportunities to trust….well, that shapes a life — and it has shaped mine in so many ways I can’t begin to count! Thanks, Mom for reminding us of this! Bring on more from where this came from! 🙂

  2. Mary Beth Welsh says:

    Love visiting with you at the table for weekly blessings. I am proud of you for taking on the challenge and meeting that learning curve head on. Love you.

  3. Jill says:

    Liz…you are such an amazing woman! I’m excited to read more!!

  4. Liz! Welcome to technology! I’m so proud of you!

  5. Mary Jenson says:

    OK, so I started a blog last summer about this time…there’s a total of 3 posts on it, all within a couple of days :). I’m so proud of you! Hang in there and don’t give up like I did… I just might get back on now that I’ve seen you do it. See what mischief you can inspire! Love you and Jay, and all those 5 girls!

  6. Miriam Stoveken says:

    Liz, will look forward to your weekly devotions. What I have read is making me hungry for more in more than one way! 🙂 Are you going to be sending out samples? That chocolate cake sure looked good!!
    It is exciting to start something new. In defense, I just went on fb so I could catch up on all my kids’ pics! I am still technically challenged but what do you expect at my age!!
    Love you

  7. Nivia Miranda says:

    Hello there! I am excited for you. Congratulations on your new venture. I love what you have written so far and I am lookig forward to reading your messages. It was so refreshing. I am not one to spend a lot of time on the computer and I really don’t have time to be chasing after something not familiar. I have one sick husband to take care of, 4 teenagers ( 2 mine and 2 step kids) and 2 jobs besides taking care of the family and the home there is barely time for anything. But I am interested in hearing more from you. Thank you so much for your obedience. God has spoken to me today through you. May God bless you. Great Job!!

    • Thanks so much, Nivia. What an honor that you choose to read my blog in the midst of such a busy life. I pray it will continue to help you through the tough times and give you an encouraging lift when you need one. Liz

  8. Nora Burkhart says:

    Man! I am SO HAPPY Liz that I get to hear from you and glean your precious inspirations at the click of my mouse. This is pure gold for me and I want you to know that I will be looking at your blog WAY to often. No pressure! :-)And I will add your blog to my prayer list. Thank you Liz for being a great work. Love to you, Nora

  9. Nora Burkhart says:

    Ha! I meant “beginning a great work” but what I typed is even better.

  10. Heidi says:

    great job Liz! Congratulations for taking this step… one day I may want to follow in your steps!

  11. Sandy Aasen says:

    Hi Liz! What a wonderful surprise to get your message and read your blog. I’m going to try the chocolate cake sometime. The message with it is good for my heart!! Thanks so much, Sister.

  12. Toni Williams says:

    Wow, Liz, I am sooooo excited for you and thrilled with your new venture! The Lord just NEVER stops using your gifts and talents in the most amazing ways. I haven’t read through the whole blog yet, but I will. Not only to cherish the words of wisdom but the recipes too. I still have the sour cream pound cake one from your mother!
    Love you loads, my dear friend,

  13. julie medina says:

    Liz, How exciting to be able to read your writings! I so enjoyed the studies you led at church. So glad you are plugged into the cyberworld now! Really looking forward to what God has to share through you!! Love you!

  14. Jeannie Carr says:

    WOW! I can’t count the blessings you have added to my life over these last few years. Thank you so much for your faithfulness in ministry. It is good for my heart to know that you are still in the game! Spurring on others to good works! Blessings to you!!

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